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rescue motor launch造句

"rescue motor launch"是什么意思  
  • He was shot down on 12 October and picked up by an air-sea rescue motor launch.
  • On April 4 in continuing rough seas, the airmen were picked up by two Rescue Motor Launch ( RML ) boats, and the Higgins A-1 lifeboat, unable to be towed, was intentionally sunk by gunfire.
  • The design was very adaptable, being fitted with pre-drilled rails for different uses  the Rescue Motor Launch ( RML ) type of which around 50 were built, including RML " 497 ", were fitted with a sick-bay aft of the funnel  the present lounge.
  • "' RML " 497 " "'( Rescue Motor Launch number 497 ) is a former Royal Navy Fairmile B motor launch from World War II . She was named " "'Western Lady III " "'on her entry to civilian service, as a passenger motor vessel for Western Lady Ferry Service.
  • It's difficult to see rescue motor launch in a sentence. 用rescue motor launch造句挺难的
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